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Formation of the Scientific Committee - Apply now!

Dear WAPCEPC Member:

As a mean to foster PCE research activities, we need to establish and develop a Scientific Committee. You will be able to see the aims, functions and structure of this Committee in the document: Proposal for the Functions and Structure of the Scientific Committee attached below.

Consider this as a great opportunity to collaborate and contribute with the development and promotion of the Person Centred and Experiential approach.

If you would like to be considered as part of this team, then please apply by sending a résumé to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than February 20 th 2015.

We appreciate your time and effort in contributing to the development of the WAPCEPC.

Best regards,

Iguaraya Morales on behalf of the WAPCEPC Board



Proposal for the Functions and Structure of the Scientific Committee
(by Sheila Haugh and Graham Westwell)


  1. To foster empirical quantitative and qualitative research as a means to develop the person-centred and experiential (PCE) approach and advise the WA board and General Assembly. While empirical research is the major concern, many areas of research and related topics may be fostered.
  2. To promote, support and disseminate PCE research activities and outputs.


  • Create ideas to develop the approach through empirical quantitative and qualitative research
  • Link and liaise with local research initiatives and interest groups, creating a network of research consultants, practitioners and consumers
  • Link and liaise with University, and the equivalent, based initiatives.
  • Create a research database for WA members.
  • Support PCE conference organizers with information about state-of-the-art research for the development of conference themes and keynotes.
  • Represent the WA board on PCE Conferences’ scientific committees.
  • Liaise with the WA Board and the Editors of PCEP
  • Maintain and update research pages of the WAPCEPC website.
  • Explore the possibility of further editions of PCE Works, and the possible commissioning/editing of future publications as part of an ongoing research publication series.
  • Identify other areas of activity for the committee.


  • The committee will have a minimum of 6-8 people and maximum of 10 people.
  • Members will be asked to commit for a period of 2/3 years.
  • One person will be identified by the committee as a coordinator/spokesperson for the committee when necessary.
  • The committee should make sure that, as far as possible, there is representation in terms of diversity.

The overall membership of the committee should cover the following areas:

  • 3-4 members should be University based.
  • At least 3-4 members should be experienced in published research.
  • The majority of members should be currently involved in PCE research activities
  • All members should have research experience of some sort either as a practitioner and/or masters or PhD level (or the local equivalent).